green energy through PPAs

Off-site energy solutions are an important mainstay of your comprehensive energy policy. We use our Corporate Power Purchase Agreement expertise to predict your energy needs intelligently. With a CPPA, you purchase renewable energy at a pre-agreed price. Your Energy Manager selects suitable parties, arranges the CPPAs and provides legal support and management of the CPPA.

Through the AYA platform, we link green energy producers with end users. That way, you get price certainty for an agreed volume of energy. Besides matching up contracts, we also ensure they comply with legal regulations and deal with full implementation and management.​

Dirk Knapen  •  ENERGY MANAGER

Using and sharing smart energy

You can also take part in energy communities and work with other companies and individuals to generate and share renewable energy. This doesn’t only deliver cost savings, it delivers business opportunities too.

An internal PPA offers the option of distributing the production of renewable energy across your different sites. This results in more efficient energy production and lower energy costs.

  Read more about PPAs

We select the right PPA based on your profile analysis. Your energy consumption patterns give an insight into which PPA best suits your company. Of course, we also keep your expected growth and goals in mind.

PPA matching on the AYA platform

Want to create value and reduce your carbon footprint? Then Corporate PPAs are your key to green energy. We match your company with the right energy producer and negotiate correct and beneficial contracts. We do this with the AYA platform, a powerful energy management tool.

In CPPAs, the energy purchased isn’t only certified renewable, but also locally generated and consumed. This means there can be no suggestion of greenwashing. CPPAs make a meaningful difference in the fight against climate change.


Contact our Energy Task Force to develop a comprehensive energy approach.

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